For over 40 years, NAMI Dane County has provided essential education, support and advocacy to people affected by mental illness. We are committed to eliminating stigma and ensuring people get the support and information they need.

This year our Walk will be VIRTUAL! It will be a live streamed event, to be held on Saturday, October 10th.
On that day we will join other fall NAMIWalks in holding our Virtual “NAMIWalks Your Way.” We need your help more than ever – here is how you can help:
Wed Aug 12th, Noon – 1pm
The virtual Kick-Off Luncheon will be hosted by Dr. Chris Kammer and Leigh Mills. You can pre-view the 安卓ssr官网, which give all the details of the Virtual NAMIWalks program.
Please email Heidi at walk@3i68xe.wcbzw.com or call the office at 608-249-7188 to receive instructions as to how to join via Zoom or by telephone. All attendees will earn a free NAMIWalks Face Mask.

Sign up for the Walk
You can sign up 手机shadowsock教程 or call the office at 608-249-7188 to get signed up by phone.

Our Mission
The mission of NAMI Dane County is to provide education, support, and advocacy for people affected by mental illness in Dane County.
*NAMI programs should not be used to replace specialized training and professional judgment of mental health professionals. We cannot, and do not, assume the role of a physician or therapist.
Learn More

The support of our sponsors, partners, donors, members, and volunteers enable NAMI Dane County to make a difference in our community. We are deeply grateful to all of them and look forward to many more impactful years ahead. Please consider joining us today!
Support NAMI Dane County to help people affected by mental illness get the information and support they need.
Join a community that is dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by mental illness.
Have a question? We can help! Give us a call or send us an email. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
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Connecting Support
Connecting Support offers a casual and relaxed approach to sharing the challenges and successes of coping with a mental illness. The group meets every Sunday from 6:30 - 8:00 pm.
Women's Depression/anxiety
A 90-minute bi-monthly support group for women who experience anxiety/depression. The group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 6:30-8:00 pm.
A 90-minute weekly support group for people who have bipolar disorder and/or depression. The group meets every Monday from 6:30-8:00 pm.
For family members, caregivers, and loved ones of individuals living with mental illness. The group meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 7:00 - 8:30 pm.

NAMI Dane County relies on 新界ssr的新官网 to support our important work: We provide peer-led education and support programs to help people affected by mental illness get the support and information they need to better understand mental illness and navigate the mental health system. We provide community education and outreach to reduce stigma and help the general public better understand mental illness. We advocate at the local, state, and national levels for increased funding and better access to quality mental health services. We promote public awareness through events and activities such as NAMIWalks to reduce stigma and encourage understanding.
Years Serving Dane County
From the first open meeting in 1977, NAMI offered information on the availability of community and inpatient services, and on intelligent advocacy procedures to acquire those services for the county.
By promoting public awareness through events and activities to reduce stigma and encourage understanding, 81 cents of every dollar went directly to providing NAMI Dane County education and support programs at no cost to the public.
Hundred people Impacted
2551 people in Dane County who are affected by mental illness received education, support, and advocacy in 2017 alone.
- Neil Heinen / Read Full Article